But as the above chart shows, there are large swaths of the world especially in Africa, Asia and Latin America, where iPhone penetration is low where customers prefer to pay the full cost of the phone upfront. 不过如上面的图表所示,世界上有很多地方,特别是在非洲、亚洲和拉丁美洲这些iPhone普及率不高的地方,用户倾向于预先支付手机的全部成本。
Kohl's said on Tuesday it would pay the full cost of all items not delivered in time. Kohl's周二说,将为所有未及时送达的商品全额退款。
Market failures commonly occur when producers and consumers do not take into account the full cost of their actions, such as pollution inflicted on third parties ( environmental externalities). 市场失灵常见的是,生产者和消费者没有考虑到他们行为的全部成本,如对第三方(外部环境)的污染。
The cost of eating out has leapt as restaurants pass on the full cost of VAT. 当餐馆转嫁增值税的全部成本时,饮食的成本也急剧上升。
Full cost accounting will occur during a given period of medical services in hospital costs collection, summary, distribution, calculate the total cost of medical services and unit costs. 全成本核算将医院一定时期内发生的医疗服务费用进行归集、汇总、分配,计算医疗服务总成本和单位成本。
Manage direct and full cost of one complete product line. 直接管理和全部费用的一本完整的产品线。
But the full cost for the year is expected to be higher. 但是,全年的(战争)总开支预期更高。
The price for their information or distribution is dropping towards marginal cost, which is close to zero and typically does not cover full cost. 供应商的信息售价或传播价格正在下跌,趋于边际成本,而边际成本则接近零,而且一般都不能负担全部成本。
The full cost of the wedding fell on us. 整个婚礼费用由我们负担了。
Research on Full Cost of Coal from Perspective of Marginal Opportunity Cost 边际机会成本理论视阈中的煤炭完全成本研究
Full cost for such repair and restoration will be borned by the contractor. 此类修缮和恢复的全部费用将由承包商承担。
Japanese oil companies that have a particularly big downstream presence, such as Nippon oil, do not necessarily gain from a rise in crude oil prices since it is difficult to pass the full cost onto consumers. 对占有特别重要的下游市场的日本石油公司,例如日本石油而言,因为很难把全部的成本都转移到消费者身上,所以它们将不一定会受益于原油价格的上涨。
Capturing and allocating full cost data properly is difficult enough when it's done from the start. 获取和分配适当的总体成本数据在刚开始实施的时候是非常困难的。
The full cost of the wedding fell on the bridegroom. 婚礼的全部费用由新郎承担。
The full cost of storm damage will be paid by the insurer. 暴风雨所造成的损失将由保险公司全额理赔。
It also encourages gold-plated insurance schemes, since their full cost is not transparent. 它同时还鼓励了那些外表花哨的保险方案,因为完全成本不够透明。
The buyer bears the full cost and risk involved in bringing the goods from there to the desired destination. 买方承担由那里将货物运至所需目的地全部费用和风险。
Federal loan limits have increased in response to rising tuition costs, but they are still capped and often do not cover the full cost. 联邦政府虽然已经根据学费增长相应地提高了贷款额度,但仍然有最高限额,并且通常不够支付所有花销。
The full cost of the wedding fell on me. 婚礼的全部费用都由我负担。
Please let us know the full cost, including Tax and service charges. 请告诉我们全部费用,包括税收和服务费。
Philosophy and method of "full cost project management basing on suppositional production value" “虚拟产值全成本项目管理”的思路与做法
We're selling at cost already. It is offered to the public on a full cost recovery basis. 我们已经是按成本价卖了。该项服务按成本价格收取费用。
Additional requirements at full cost; 按全额计算的所需额外经费;
I'll refund you the full cost of your fare. 我来偿付你的全部旅费。
Assure estimates are completed in accordance to the ALSTOM full cost model. 确保测算是完全采用ALSTOM的成本模式。
International students already pay tuition fees which reflect the full cost of their education, and these changes will not affect them. 国际学生所付的学费已是学费的全额,本次学费的调整对国际学生没有影响。
But some said in conference calls with investors after releasing first-quarter results they were struggling to recover full cost increases due to weak economic growth and high un employment in western countries. 但有些公司在发布第一季度财报后与投资者举行的电话会议中表示,它们难以完全弥补成本上涨,原因是西方国家经济增长疲软和失业率高企。
Full cost accounting in favor of those through the whole hospital cost trends, to enhance the economic benefits of the hospital. 通过全成本核算有利于掌握医院全成本动态,提高医院的经济效益。
Full cost accounting is to strengthen management of public hospitals to enhance and strengthen the core competitiveness of the principal means. 加强全成本核算是公立医院提升管理水平,增强核心竞争力的主要手段。
Through exclusive sponsorship a single advertiser gains the full benefit of being identified as the program's sponsor, but he also must bear the full cost. 独家赞助可使广告客户获得作为该节目赞助商的全部收益,不过他也要承担全部费用。